Episode four
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It's episode four!!!
Dudu: Awake oh ye sluggards!
Angry being crying within
Singing feed us! feed us!!
Will someone come let's reason together
as we appease the hungry worms
Or could it be that I am a single victim?
Iroko: My Tummy grumbles
like a moving mountain:
With tones, rumbling like
Little birds' songs find expression
In my mansion;tummy-mansion
Dudu: Oh! I remember my favourite
Ewa Agoyim- that local beans
That slowly finds its seat right within the tummy
Making the lip sings the yummy yummy
My Tommy cries for a fresh encounter
It's been a while I paid that buka a visit
Iroko: You never should underestimate the potency
Of such dish that is metaphorically pleasing to taste
As much as it is pleasing to the eyes and mind
But Dudu you shouldn't forget its destiny helper
That succulent fresh and hot bread
That has just been withdrawn
from the beautiful heat of the bakery....
oh! Heavens save your sons from physically temptation
(They both laughed... just then Iroko turns to Apari who seems to be having busy moment with his books)
Iroko: Apari, hast thou a life and death examinations tomorrow?
You buried your heads in the books
Ignored your brothers,
Aren't we in the same room?
(Apari gave a quick gaze at Iroko, nodded his head
and buried it back in his voluminous books... this time he looks more serious but he has lost concentration within)
Dudu: (Speaks to himself)
If I open my mouth at him,
The whole world will yell at me.
Shall I talk, shall I not talk(He murmurs over and over again)
(Iroko gave Dudu a close look in a bid to reading Dudu's lips or maybe his mind but left the moment more confused as the smile on Dudu's face betrayed the sounds coming through his lips)
(Dudu now out of his shell with a question)
Dudu: Ehm...em em( he cleared his throat then speaks like an hunter who has just enjoyed his moment with the palm wine and assorted bush meat)
Apari, aren't thou hungry? ( He asked. Paused for a sec then continued speaking)
If thou art hungry as we are,
Produce some currencies so we can
All bid farewell to this moment.
(Apari's eyes 're now heavy with tears but he fought to make those tears invisible)
Apari: Who is immune to the truth?
(Dudu looked at Iroko; both confuse)
Thou and Iroko know too well that
The last grain I feed on
Visited my intestines on penultimate night to Now
Now thou ask if I am hungry
Why won't I be?
Have I turned to Jesus?
You also ask for some currencies,
Who knoweth my predicaments than thee?
Dudu: God does( he interrupted )
Iroko: lest not a stranger enters
He calls us evil as he pities you.
You maintained the usual silence in your hunger
The penultimate has enjoyed your silence
Your mouth has refused to express itself
Are we ghost that should know the unknown?
(He reacted indifferently to accusations )
Iroko: Lets clear out the rocks
The surface must be even
Though we knew not your conditions all those nights
Because thou mentioned not
Your silence has robbed you!
Dudu: if a spade be address as it is,
You are the devil behind your own misfortune...
The truth be told,
These worms still hold.
Shall we all penny-wise contribute
To the SUCCES of this stomach-ministry
(Apari now looks at Dudu like an angry lion-now he speaks as one!)
Apari: It is better to dwell somewhere beneath the bridge
Than with an empty brain like you
Whose only joy is hidden in the grains
It would have been better if you have not
joined the group of psychopathic in the society
Rotten engine with no brain
(Iroko's mouth and eyes widely open as if he now beholds a ghost in broad day light)
(However, Dudu's response was different as he angrily stood up from his seat like the 21st century Goliath would have and proceeded towards the direction of Apari with his right hand up high in the air with separated fingers seem ready for a war..... what was he aiming for?
could this be their their first combat?
Just then......
Watch out for next week's Episode of The Three Brothers
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brought to you by God'sHeritage Communications(GHC)
Uplifting You!
No name nor character portrayed was done in any way to defame any personality.
All characters were fictional but creative works of the poet
Say no to plagiarism
This story is a creative work of Omoniyi Samson(God'sHeritage)
Head of God'sHeritage Communications(GHC).
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